EPP Skill-Building Series Pt 2: Beyond Hexagons

EPP Skill-Building Series Pt 2: Beyond Hexagons


Drum roll, please...... The second pattern of the English Paper Piecing skill-building series is here!

Flowers & Butterflies is an EPP pattern series designed to help you develop and build your English paper piecing skills one pattern at a time.

The series began with the basics of English paper piecing and expands from there by exploring different shapes and the nuances of how to work with each of them.


Flowers and butterflies from Pattern Two in various sizes and colors.


We're covering everything, from working with basic shapes like hexagons to more advanced shapes, plus my favorite fussy cutting techniques, and curves.


If you've been following the series and want to
get straight into Pattern #2, scroll down this page.


If you're just joining the series, want to learn more about it, and/or want to check out the first pattern, click here.


Skill-building Pattern #2

In pattern two, you'll move beyond hexagons and work with shapes that have elongated sides and sharp corners, like the ones in the photo below.


Some of the shapes that make up the flower of pattern two.


In addition, you'll practice bringing several points/corners together into a single area and learn how to get all your points lined up together and how to stitch everything together securely so there aren't any holes in the finished work.


Six different points all come together at the center of the butterfly.


The pattern includes detailed instructions, step-by-step assembly diagrams, and template sheets in three different sizes for both the flower and butterfly. So if you enjoy cutting your own templates all you need is the pattern.

If you don't want to cut your own templates and instead, prefer to use pre-cut paper templates, you can find those here.

There are three stitch-along videos that go with this pattern down below. The links to each video will be posted below as they are released.

Let's get started!


1. Get the pattern

You can get the digital pattern in my shop. It's a downloadable PDF file that you can view on any computer or mobile device, or print as needed.


Flowers & Butterflies Pattern #2: Beyond Hexies.


2. Get the templates

You have two options for getting your templates.

Option #1 - Cut your own templates using the template sheets included inside the pattern.

Option #2 - Purchase pre-cut paper templates.


    2. Connect

    Join the private community, Patchwork Pals.

    It's the place to share your flower and butterfly makes with all the others who are joining in the stitch along. You can also ask questions, get feedback, and connect with fellow EPPers, too!


    3. Watch the videos

    Below are the stitch-along videos, broken down into three separate topics: pattern overview, flower assembly, and butterfly assembly. The link to each video will be posted below as it is released.


    Pattern Overview

    In the first video, I give a brief overview of the pattern. This video will help you get your templates ready for assembly.

    I show you what the finished flowers and butterflies look like in all three sizes so you can better decide which size to make.

    I also show you each of the template pages included in the pattern and give some tips for printing and cutting them at home.



    Flower Assembly

    In this video, I show you step-by-step how to baste and assemble the flower design, discussing the nuances of working with long-sided shapes with sharp points, my tips for basting these shapes, and a detailed demonstration of how to assemble the shapes to ensure they fit together nicely.



    Butterfly Assembly

    Finally, in the last video, I show you step-by-step how to baste and assemble the butterfly design with a detailed demonstration and my tips for how to line up all of your points together in the middle of the butterfly.



    Project Assembly

    Finally, in the last video for this pattern, I walk you through the process of adding your flower or butterfly onto a tote bag.

    It's a super quick and fun project that is great to use to carry your EPP projects when you're traveling or for gift-giving. I think you're going to love it!



    4. Share Your Experience

    If you're joining this skill-building stitch-along, we'd love to hear from you!

    Join my private community, Patchwork Pals, share a photo of your work, and tell us what new skill you've learned or old skill you've seen improvement in while stitching this pattern.


    Next Time

    In the next blog post, I’m planning to discuss the Best Thread for English Paper Piecing. 

    Happy stitching!


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